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“WELCOME TO NORTHERN FRANCE – THE LILLE REGION” Las empresas de la región francesa de Nord-Pas de Calais vuelven a estar presentes en el salón FRUIT LOGÍSTICA 2012


La próxima edición de FRUIT LOGÍSTICA 2012 - feria internacional para el marketing de frutas y hortalizas frescas, que se celebrará del 8 al 10 de febrero de 2012 en Berlín (Alemania), acogerá nuevamente la participación de 17 entidades francesas de la región Nord-Pas de Calais.

Los visitantes podrán descubrir en el Pabellón “Welcome to Northern France – The Lille Region”, situado en el Hall 22 – Stand F14, una variada gama de productos emblemáticos de esta región: patatas, cebollas, endivias, manzanas, peras, brotes de soja, lechugas en láminas, zanahorias, etc.), así como múltiples soluciones de acondicionamiento, envasado y distribución.

Efectivamente, los expositores de Nord-Pas Calais que conformarán el pabellón “Welcome to Northern France”, cuya superficie será de unos 400 m², intentarán seducir al mayor número posible de los 56.000 visitantes profesionales esperados procedentes de más de 130 países.


Agrochange – Intermediario en el sector de la patata a nivel europeo – Web: www.agrochance.com

Bayard Distribution - Producción y envasado de patatas -Web: www.bayard-distribution.com

Condilys - Patatas para microondas, almacenamiento y envasado de productos frescos
Web: www.lesjardinsdalice.com

Olivier Négoce - Venta de patatas – Web: www.oliviernegoce.fr

Lucas Lemaire - Venta de patatas y cebollas – Web: www.lucaslemaire.com

Negonor - Patatas y cebollas – Web: www.negonor.com

Verpom - Venta de patatas y cebollas (importación-exportación) – Web: www.verpom.com

Wecxsteen – Patatas – Web: www.groupe-wecxsteen.com


Perle du Nord – Endivias – Web: www.perledunord.com

Manzanas y Peras

T&B Vergers – Venta y envasado de manzanas y peras – Web: www.tbvergers.fr


Verduyn – Zanahorias, y preparación de verduras frescas – Web:www.verduyn.fr

Brotes de Soja

Wostin - Semillas germinadas de soja – Web: www.wostin.fr

Lechugas en láminas

Picvert - Producción, envasado y comercialización de brotes jóvenes - Web: www.picvert.info

Control de Temperatura

Klim Top Controls – Equipos frigoríficos para la conservación – Web: www.klimtop.eu


Dunfresh – Almacenaje y logística – Web: www.conhexa.com/dunfresh_fr

Servicios Portuarios

Puerto de Dunkerque: el Gran Puerto Marítimo de Dunkerque es el tercer puerto de Francia, y el primero en la importación de minerales y carbón, frutas en contenedor y cobre. Asimismo es el segundo puerto francés en cuanto a comercio con Gran Bretaña se refiere.
Web: www.portdedunkerque.fr

Agencia Marítima Rommel: Asesoría - Especialista en logística internacional.
Web: www.amragency.com

El catálogo completo de los expositores estará disponible en el stand “Welcome to Northern France”, o si lo desea podrá solicitarlo a través de la Web: www.cci-international.net

Además, un prestigioso chef deleitará a los asistentes cada día con algunas recetas elaboradas con productos de los expositores de la región Nord-Pas de Calais.

Entre algunas de las novedades que los expositores presentarán este año, cabe destacar:

• La nueva carta «Garantía de Calidad» de T&B Vergers, que asegura la trazabilidad de sus frutas desde el punto de producción hasta su acceso al canal de distribución.

• La empresa Verduyn mostrará sus dos nuevos embalajes de zanahorias (en barquetas o en P-Plus de un kilo), así como la innovadora gama de zanahorias peladas con cuchillo.

• Patatas de alta gama, y un nuevo embalaje microondeable, de Bayard.

• Nueva gama de patatas biológicas para freír o hacer puré de Negonor.

Acerca de …
Situada a tan solo unas horas de Londres, Bruselas o París, la región Nord-Pas de Calais cuenta con numerosos recursos. Ocupa el tercer lugar de las regiones agroalimentarias francesas con un volumen de negocio de cerca de 11.500 M€ en 2011. En la región Nord-Pas de Calais se cultiva sobre todo patata (más de ⅓de la producción nacional), endivias y cebollas (primera y segunda respectivamente en el ranking francés) y coliflores (tercera región productora de Francia).


Espace International
299, Boulevard de Leeds
59777 EURALILLE (Francia)
Tel.: +33 (0) 3 59 56 22 23
Fax: +33 (0) 3 59 56 22 22
D. Vincent DIDRY, Consejero Comercio Exterior
E-mail: vdidry@cci-international.net



UBIFRANCE, l’Agenzia francese per lo Sviluppo Internazionale delle Aziende, supporterà nella prossima edizione del COSMOPROF Bologna 2012 una sessantina di aziende francesi riunite per l’occasione su di una superficie di 860 m2 distribuita su quattro padiglioni (Pad 18, 19, 25 e 29).

Nonostante la crisi internazionale, l’industria della cosmetica e profumeria francese non conosce battute d’arresto e conferma la buona tenuta del settore, supportato in particolar modo dalla riaffermata fiducia dei mercati esteri nel Made in France.
La Francia si conferma pertanto come il primo esportatore mondiale detenendo una quota del 21% degli scambi mondiali, pari a 14 miliardi di dollari, cifra cresciuta del 97% in sette anni. La Germania, gli Stati Uniti, il Regno Unito, l’Italia e la Spagna rappresentano i principali clienti di questa industria che coglierà l’occasione del COSMOPROF Bologna 2012 per presentare un’offerta estremamente variegata e caratterizzata da diverse combinazioni.

Combinazione di tecniche e di prodotti nel campo dei centri benessere e delle spa che saranno in primo piano in questa edizione. Le aziende propongono vere e proprie metodologie di cura fondate sulla sinergia tra apparecchiature e prodotti cosmetici.

Combinazione di azioni per prodotti sempre migliori che associano qualità idratanti, rigeneranti, tonificanti e protettive grazie a tecnologie frutto di attente ricerche scientifiche.

Combinazione di fragranze per varietà di profumi che consentono ad ognuno di svelare l’espressione della propria personalità.

Combinazione di contrasti tra alta tecnologia e un ritorno alle capacità professionali ancestrali basate sui poteri sorprendenti delle risorse della natura: ricrescita dei peli rallentata dalle proprietà del tartufo, tessuti rigenerati grazie al fico d’India o ancora pelle protetta dal sole con l’olio di Karanja.

Combinazione di materiali per un packaging attraente e pratico.

In linea con un trend di crescita affermatosi nel corso degli ultimi anni, anche nell’edizione 2012 saranno i prodotti biologici e naturali a farne da protagonisti assoluti. I prodotti sono, infatti, sempre più naturali e privi di parabeni e di fenossietanolo.

COSMEBIO, in qualità di Associazione professionale dei cosmetici ecologici e biologici, sarà anch’essa presente al COSMOPROF di Bologna.

FEBEA (Federazione francese delle industrie cosmetiche) e COSMED, che insieme riuniscono la maggior parte dei circa mille produttori di cosmetici francesi, saranno accanto agli espositori per certificare la qualità e l’autenticità di tutti gli operatori.

La Francia sarà presente in quattro padiglioni:
- Hall 18 Spa e benessere
- Hall 19 packaging
- Hall 25 prodotti biologici e naturali
- Hall 29 cosmetica e profumeria

Per maggiori informazioni Alberto Frescura alberto.frescura@ubifrance.fr


Lille region given thumbs up by 85% of foreign investors


International auditing firm KPMG has confirmed the appeal of the Lille region (in northern France) for non-French investors. According to the independent survey conducted by KPMG and published in November 2011, 85% of respondents, representing the 1,077 subsidiaries of foreign-owned groups established in Northern France, recommend the region.

According to KPMG, the international auditing firm, the prime reason companies choose to establish a subsidiary in Northern France is the strategic location the region offers. The Lille region lies at the heart of Europe’s leading consumer catchment area. Two-thirds of the companies surveyed highlighted their aim to reach the markets of northern Europe (including France) as having driven their decision to invest in the region: an impressive 82% of companies see this locational advantage as crucial to their success in these markets.

The high quality of the local labour force also satisfies the companies: 60% were satisfied with the region’s labour force — a proportion reaching 75% of respondents in the field of trade and logistics. Undoubtedly, this is another reason businesses choose to settle in region surrounding Lille.

Regarding the quality of life, seven out of 10 business leaders say that they are satisfied with the region’s cultural dynamism and tourist potential, and close to two-thirds approve of the sports facilities available in the Lille region. The local geography and environment are also a cause for satisfaction among foreign-owned companies: 80% indicate that they are satisfied (or fairly satisfied) with the region in this respect.

Northern France is a region whose attractiveness is not always fully appreciated by outsiders: prior to their arrival, 46% of decision-makers surveyed had a good image of the region, but a third (33%) admitted to having a negative perception. Once established, however, only 1% of these decision-makers have retained this negative view, while 68% of respondents indicate that they are satisfied (or very satisfied) with the Lille region.

With hindsight, none of the companies surveyed see their location in the Lille region as a handicap. On the contrary, 60% describe the move as an asset to their businesses, especially those hailing from the Benelux countries, and 27% see the relocation as strategic in terms of the company’s development in northern Europe. 

Moreover, a majority of the companies surveyed have felt genuinely welcome in northern France: close to 60% of respondents consider the welcome given to expatriates to be satisfying or very satisfying. 

Despite being a border region and a hub for pan-European trade, the Lille region has a strong identity rooted in its history. Indeed, a third of respondents believe that the region stands apart from the rest of France, especially those from Germany and the Netherlands, who acknowledge a stronger cultural affinity with the region.

Lastly, the Lille region is founded upon powerful ethical values that are important to businesses. Respondents were asked what “values” they associated with the region: “work”, “fighting spirit”, “energy” and “hospitality” were widely mentioned by those surveyed. This gives an overview of the positive image that the region enjoys with international investors.

About Nord France Invest

Nord France Invest is the publicly funded investment-promotion agency for Northern France (including the city of Lille and its surroundings). The agency helps businesses to develop and make the most out of their move to the region of Northern France.

rawing on expertise across a wide range of fields, Nord France Invest and its network partners offer personalised and fully confidential services to investors, free of charge, from the initial decision through to the launch and follow-up.

In pursuing these aims, Nord France Invest draws on the skills of its own staff, combined with expert input from an extensive network of regional and international partners.

For further information, please go to: www.investinnorthernfrance.com

Lễ ra mắt câu lạc bộ thực tập sinh tại Tổng lãnh sự quán Pháp tại TP. Hồ Chí Minh


Hơn 60 thực tập sinh và doanh nhân, những người đã từng là thực tập sinh đã tham dự buổi lễ ra mắt câu lạc bộ thực tập sinh Pháp tại Việt Nam (VIE Vietnam), được tổ chức tại Tổng lãnh sự quán Pháp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, dưới sự chủ trì của Ngài Tổng lãnh sự Fabrice Mauriès.

Với sáng kiến của Jérémy ODOUX và Sylvain BIARD, 2 cựu thực tập sinh, việc thành lập câu lạc bộ VIE Việt Nam đã nhận được sự hỗ trợ của Cơ quan đại diện thương mại Pháp tại Việt Nam (UBIFRANCE Vietnam), câu lạc bộ VIE UBIFRANCE tại Pháp, nhóm chuyên gia xúc tiến Ngoại thương Pháp và đặc biệt của Phòng Thương mại và Công nghiệp Pháp tại Việt Nam.

Được sự tài trợ của công ty phân phối rượu vang Pháp, BACHUS CORNER, buổi lễ đã thu hút sự tham gia của rất nhiều thực tập sinh Pháp tại Việt Nam và các doanh nhân, chuyên gia, những người đã từng là thực tập sinh tại Việt Nam hoặc ở nhiều nơi trên thế giới (New-York, Johannesburg, Londres, Manille, Shanghai...). Với sự có mặt của nhiều thành viên, câu lạc bộ VIE Việt Nam là một « cộng đồng » lớn mạnh, được liên kết với nhau một cách chặt trẽ trên các mạng xã hội (www.clubvie.fr et LinkedIn).

Hình thức thực tập sinh tại các doanh nghiệp hải ngoại của Pháp tại Việt Nam đã gặt hái được nhiều thành công. Số lượng thực tập sinh Pháp được nhận vào các doanh nghiệp tăng 13 % trong vòng 10 tháng đầu năm 2011 với tổng số 77 thực tập sinh. Thành công này xuất phát chủ yếu từ đề xuất tổ chức cuộc thi Grand Prix VIE 2010 và Grand Prix VIE 2011 trong khuôn khổ Diễn đàn kinh doanh và đầu tư ASEAN tổ chức tại Kuala Lumpur vào tháng 11 năm 2011. Theo con số thống kê, 48 doanh nghiệp tại Việt Nam có tiếp nhận các thực tập sinh Pháp trong đó hệ thống siêu thị Big C (thuộc tập đoàn Casino) dẫn đầu. 50% trong số các doanh nghiệp tiếp nhận thuộc loại hình doanh nghiệp nhỏ và vừa.

Buổi lễ ra mắt câu lạc bộ VIE Việt Nam sẽ được tổ chức tại Hà Nội vào ngày 12/1/2012.

Để biết thêm thông tin xin mời quý vị tham khảo tài liệu tiếng Pháp đính kèm.

Šťastné a veselé vánoční svátky


Děkujeme vám za spolupráci v uplynulém roce, přejeme vám šťastné a veselé vánoční svátky a budeme se těšit na další setkání v roce 2012 !


Network Rail meets 10 French companies in London thanks to Trade Commission


Network Rail, the entity responsible for the UK’s railway-network infrastructure, selected and met 10 French rail-industry suppliers on the occasion of a key B2B event organised by the French Trade Commission UBIFRANCE in London on 6 December 2011. 

Representatives of Network Rail were able to meet more than 60 members of the French companies’ management teams. The event took place in the heart of Euston station (in Central London), where Network Rail has offices.  

Network Rail has been looking for innovative companies to work on a range of projects, such as the recent electrification of some railway lines and safety-improvement projects. Thanks to the event organised by the French Trade Commission, a large panel of diverse companies were able to showcase their products and services to Network Rail. The industry segments covered included lighting equipment, lightning-risk-prevention services and overhead-line equipment. New concepts to avoid cable thefts and to improve workers’ safety conditions were also discussed. 

On 5 December, before meeting Network Rail, and in order to clarify the structure of the railway market in the UK, the French Trade Commission organised a seminar in its offices (near Piccadilly Circus, in Central London).  Speakers included Achilles and Link up (the British rail-industry supplier-qualification scheme), UKTI (i.e. UK Trade Investment, the British equivalent of UBIFRANCE, the French export-support agency), and the Office of Rail Regulation (the independent regulator for the railway industry in Britain).  These presentations, as well as those by Network Rail, were highly relevant for the companies and helped them gain a better understanding of how to approach the railway industry in the UK.

The 10 French companies were given market information and personalised advice; they were also provided with many contacts in order to give them access to the British market. All companies involved were very satisfied with the two-day-long event. 


Le marché HORECA en Belgique, c’est 50 000 établissements dont 25 000 restaurants, 19 000 cafés et 3 655 entreprises de catering



Le marché HORECA en Belgique, c’est 50 000 établissements dont 25 000 restaurants, 19 000 cafés et 3 655 entreprises de catering



La tradition de la restauration est bien implantée en Belgique avec une concentration très importante des restaurants gastronomiques et de nombreuses associations de cuisines de qualité (Jeunes restaurateurs d’Europe, Maîtres Cuisiniers de Belgique, Eurotoques...)


La consommation alimentaire hors foyer s’accroît (restauration commerciale : 72 % du marché et le restant pour la restauration collective).


Les consommateurs belges fréquentent  les restaurants une fois et demie de plus que les consommateurs français.
 - Il existe un fort attachement à la restauration avec  service à table  ; plus de 100 établissements étoilés Michelin et 500 recommandés par le Gault et Millau
 -  naturellement implantée dans la culture alimentaire des Belges avec les friteries, la restauration rapide se développe, ainsi que les "formules du midi" pour les restaurants de moyenne gamme, jusqu’à présent peu fréquentés

L’image des produits alimentaires français reste bonne même si un peu trop traditionnelle  pour certains produits présents sur le marché depuis des dizaines d’années et totalement intégrés aux habitudes de consommation. Il y a donc une recherche de nouveauté qui profite aux produits d’autres origines, italienne notamment depuis quelques années.

Du 18 au 21 mars 2012, UBIFRANCE organise la participation française au plus grand salon belge exclusivement dédié à l’hôtellerie restauration : HORECALIFE 2012. Ce salon en plein développement (édition 2011 : 450 exposants  sur 30 000 m² et plus de 30 000 visiteurs).  A l’honneur, la finale européenne des Bocuses d’or, l’animation culinaire sur le Pavillon France ainsi que le cocktail nocturne (19 mars).

Il tessile francese, una presenza imprescindibile a Moda In – Milano Unica !


L’industria tessile francese riesce a tenere la rotta

Milano, Dicembre 2011. Nonostante la congiuntura difficile in Europa, l’industria tessile francese ha registrato un’evoluzione favorevole alla fine del primo semestre 2011, con una crescita del fatturato dell’ordine dell’8% rispetto allo stesso periodo del 2010. Le esportazioni tessili francesi verso l’Italia sono anch’esse aumentate del 4% nei primi 9 mesi del 2011, raggiungendo circa 686 milioni di Euro e pongono ancora una volta il Paese al primo posto tra i clienti del settore tessile d’Oltralpe.
Sono 18 le aziende francesi che esporranno nel padiglione collettivo francese al Salone Moda In/Milano Unica, dal 7 al 9 febbraio 2012 a Milano. La partecipazione francese al salone MODA IN sarà organizzata da Espace Textile, in collaborazione con Tisslaine France Promotion, con il supporto del Ministro del Commercio Estero francese e della Regione Rhône-Alpes.

Focus sulle tendenze tessili francesi per la primavera/estate 2013

In un tema che evoca le Civiltà, le tendenze s’ispireranno alle culture del mondo e dell’antichità, grazie a colori bianchi e sabbia neutri, contrastati con toni scuri su materiali naturali, rappresentanti motivi antichi e decorazioni greche. In uno stile Western, saremo proiettati poi nei grandi spazi latino americani, grazie a tinte cuoio conciato, verdi cactus o tonalità della terracotta; i jacquard folcloristici saranno stampati con motivi che rappresentano la fauna e la flora del deserto (lucertole, palme, peperoncini, ...), su tessuti grezzi e a trama larga. L’estate 2013 ci farà scoprire anche una gamma Tecno Poesia, caratterizzata dalla delicatezza dei colori acquarello sbiaditi e slavati, animati da toni aciduli, su tessuti leggeri e vaporosi (voile, garza e tulle) e materiali setosi al tatto come le fibre ecologiche; il tutto su uno fondo di romanticismo e fantascienza poetica. L’estate terminerà, infine, sulle spiagge di St. Tropez, di Miami e di St. Bart, con colori base come il rosso che tende all’arancio, il blu piscina o il malva; spirito elegante e rilassato assicurato con questo tema Palm Spring da materiali facili da indossare (tele, maglie, righe, quadri) e da motivi ludici ispirati alla spiaggia, agli anni ’60 ed ai fiori californiani.

I tessuti di lana e di cotone non saranno privi di luminosità e di surrealismi grazie ai giochi di luce e di colori (effetti sbiancati con punte di colore, slavature parziali) e alle mescolanze che associano tecnologia e fibre naturali, evocatrici di una natura alquanto artificiale, surreale. La stagione sarà caratterizzata in particolare dall’arte della dissolvenza (effetti mischiati e sfumati), del sommare, del sovrapporre, del mescolare i materiali, le immagini ed i registri. Tra i punti forti, si noterà l’aspetto grafico, geometrico e 3D, così come l’importanza delle righe in tutte le loro declinazioni, ma sempre di una semplicità elaborata.
Tra i tessuti si distingueranno soprattutto quelli a tinta unita con un forte carattere: leggeri (voile), elastici, spessi e soffici alla vista talvolta ingannevoli (falso ordito e trama), gli aspetti lisci (raso) che guadagnano terreno, ma anche i lini calandrati, i panama, i nidi d’ape, i trapuntati, i doppia tessitura. Si punterà anche sugli aspetti sabbiosi (graniti, crespi) e le superfici leggermente in rilievo (goffrati, sgualciti). Infine, il gioco delle somme sarà gestito in tutti i suoi aspetti: accoppiamento, raschiatura, rivestimento, associazione di diversi (tinta unita e stampati), sovrastampa così come mescolanze inattese (fibre animali e vegetali), lino e cotone per ammodernare e cambiare i classici di ogni genere, di ogni settore.

Pizzi / Ricami                               Settore                  

GOUTAREL                                   Fancy   
RIECHERS MARESCOT             Fancy   
SOPHIE HALLETTE                     Fancy   

Seta / Aspetti Seta
DUTEL                                            Fancy   

Moda Fantasia / Tessuto Tinto / Stampato / Maglia
BEL MAILLE                                   Fancy   
DEVEAUX                                       Fancy   
MALHIA KENT                                Fancy   
PHILEA                                            Fancy   
SPRINTEX                                      Fancy   
TROUILLET                                    Fancy   

Velluti / Cotone
VELCOREX SINCE 1828             Leisure   

DGE                                                  Accessori  
S & M LA STEPHANOISE             Accessori  
SATAB RUBANS                            Accessori  
SERAM INTERNATIONAL            Accessori  
SIGNATURE by SATAB                 Accessori  

* La partecipazione delle aziende francesi a Moda In - Milano Unica è organizzata da
Espace Textile  in collaborazione con Tisslaine France Promotion, con il
supporto del Ministro del Commercio Estero francese e della Regione

Press : 2012 Food Trends to Watch


2011 brought us higher food prices at unprecedented levels, crops and livestock destroyed by global weather catastrophes, nations at war over the lack of food supplies, and more food recalls from unique points of origin. Americans love their foods – in supermarkets, on television, at restaurants and now even on their mobile phones – we are a nation obsessed with food trucks, molecular gastronomy and struggling to eat as local as we can. All of which has built a foundation for what may be one of the most exciting – and game-changing years in the food world: Welcome to Food 2012.

Trend #1: Food Prices
There is little doubt that in the coming years, we will continue to see food prices rise based on environmental conditions as well as higher production costs. The costs of fuel, feed, packaging, food safety coupled with a higher demand for export all will factor into the retail price on the shelf. Many of the savings tactics most shoppers deployed in 2007 as the recession began are still being used each time they shop for groceries – using coupons, frequent shopper cards, shopping lists, shopping at non-traditional foods stores and even trading down their choices to less expensive brands are part of the regular routine. Look for consumers to shave costs by augmenting their recipes by decreasing the amount of the more expensive meats and seafood and adding more non-meat proteins that are filling and less expensive, including whole-wheat pasta, tofu, lentils, brown rice and vegetables to recipe.

read the full article on supermarketnews.com 

Press : Aging population and food intolerances to carve food trends in 2012


An aging population means that grocery store shelves will be increasingly lined with foods that come with added health claims while younger consumers with food intolerances will drive demand for gluten-, nut- or dairy-free foods in 2012, predicts a market research group in the UK.

Read the full article on nydailynews.com

Press : Feds seize counterfeit websites


U.S. authorities on Monday seized the domain names of 150 websites in an ongoing campaign to stop the sale and distribution of counterfeit merchandise.

Visitors to these websites will now see a seizure banner that notifies them that the domain name has been seized by federal authorities and says: “Willful copyright infringement is a federal crime that carries penalties for first-time offenders of up to five years in federal prison, a $250,000 fine…”

Among the seized domain names are Cheapjerseysite.org and MLBjerseys.us, which sell clothing of professional sports teams, according to PCWorld. Other seized sites were selling golf clubs, exercise equipment and sunglasses.

 read the full article on The Orange County Register

Press : Wine in cans selling out Stateside


Young Americans are developing a thirst for wine in cans, according to Ben Parsons, owner of Denver-based urban winery The Infinite Monkey Theorem.

Local retailers have been selling out of Parsons’ US$6.99 Sparkling Black Muscat in a 250ml can, emblazoned with the brand’s eye-catching monkey logo.

The British-born winemaker launched the can last July with a reworking of the iconic Barack Obama blue-and-red “Hope” poster, with the tag line: “Yes, we canned.”

“I’ve always wanted to put wine in a can,” Parsons told the drinks business. “They’re user-friendly, recyclable, and cut through the pretension of wine. It’s a perfect fit for the brand.”

Targeting the can at Millennial drinkers and generation X’s aged 21 to 40 has paid off.

“It’s ideal for music venues, and I’m in talks with Virgin Atlantic to try and get it onto their in-flight wine list,” said Parsons, who admitted the wine won’t age: “It’s got a one-year shelf life like any other can.”

 Read the full articleon the drinks business

Press : Sample sales come to life during holidays


For years, Bea Crowder’s samples of cashmere gloves and printed scarves that she makes for notable clothing labels piled up in the garage of her Central West End home.

When she ran out of room, she expanded into a neighbor’s garage.

"Finally we said, ’We should do something with this,’" she said. "Let’s have a pop-up sale."

Seven years later, her month-long holiday sample sale has developed a loyal following. She emails a list of about 1,500 people in November to tell them when and where her unnamed temporary store will open; her location changes every year depending upon available storefront space in the neighborhood.

Sample sales such as these are a more frequent phenomenon in the fashion capitals of New York and Los Angeles. But while St. Louis may not be the retail hub it once was, the city still has a smattering of firms that host a handful of sample sales around the holidays.

read the full article on stltoday.com

Press : A Christmas Scandal: A Glimpse of Stocking


HERE is a holiday enigma, wrapped in a big Christmasy bow.

If the perfect gift can be defined as something someone would love to have but would never buy for himself, what does it mean if, as it turns out, he is perfectly willing to buy that something for himself after all? Would we then have a present on our hands that was, at best, past perfect?

Perish the thought.

Especially, that is, if the presents in question are great socks. Is any gift more foolproof? High-quality socks are indeed the kind of small luxury a man can secretly and blissfully appreciate all day long but that can seem like a perverse expenditure when he is faced with a $35 price tag for them. (Corollary enigma: Is a status symbol a status symbol if no one else sees it?)

Granted, as brain-imaging scans would surely reveal, the cerebellum’s gift-receiving quadrant does not light up with quite the same intensity upon unwrapping a packet of black cashmere socks as it does upon finding, say, a gold Cartier Tank, no matter how they cushion one’s sole.

 read the full article on www.nytimes.com

Negocio e Innovación en CARTES & IDentification 2011


CARTES & IDentification confirma su proyección internacional, y se posiciona, más que nunca, como el principal evento mundial de las tecnologías inteligentes y de la seguridad digital.

Con una afluencia de visitantes en ascenso (19.513 en comparación con los 18.768 de 2010) esta edición ha respondido, una vez más, a las expectativas de los profesionales del sector.

Efectivamente CARTES & IDentification es el reflejo de un mercado que goza de buena salud: el Congreso, las novedades mostradas en los stands de los expositores, las conferencias, e incluso la ceremonia de entrega de los Trofeos SESAME, hacen que este evento, pleno de dinamismo e innovación, sea único.

Año tras año, a lo largo de 26 ediciones, CARTES & IDentification se ha convertido en el encuentro ineludible de las tecnologías inteligentes y de la seguridad digital. Prueba de ello, son los 430 expositores que procedían de 45 países, y los 19.513 visitantes (de los cuales el 69% eran de origen internacional), que representaban a 143 países.

Dedicadas a temas de actualidad (pago a través del móvil, servicios financieros (NFC y sin-contacto), futuro de los pagos, seguridad en el ecosistema “cloud”, tarjetas multiaplicación, puntos de venta/de interacción, E-gobierno, tarjeta e identificación) las 21 conferencias ofrecidas durante los tres días acogieron a 1.225 participantes, de los cuales el 87% eran de procedencia internacional.

El momento cumbre del Congreso fue la conferencia inaugural “World Card Summit”, en la que los líderes de la industria, ante un aforo de 500 personas, expusieron sus análisis estratégicos sobre las claves de la seguridad digital. Por primera vez en Europa, Scott Mulloy, CTO de ISIS (nacida de la fusión de AT&T, T-Mobile y Verizon Wireless) realizó una notable intervención sobre su visión del pago a través del móvil. Por otra parte, la asociación Eurosmart presentó en primicia los resultados de 2011, así como sus previsiones del mercado mundial para el 2012: crecimiento del 13%, y 7.000 millones de unidades de smart secure devices - dispositivos inteligentes de seguridad).

El pago a través del móvil y las aplicaciones NFC están de rabiosa actualidad
Los visitantes de la edición 2011 han podido igualmente constatar el despliegue de tecnologías sin contacto y la llegada de terminales NFC para el pago a través del móvil en el pabellón dedicado a estos sistemas. Una docena de proveedores, entre los que se encontraban Oberthur (coche) y NXP (E-bike), mostraron sus soluciones de pago a través del móvil, gestión de transacciones, Trusted Service Management, smartphones, tabletas y otros dispositivos móviles inteligentes.

Múltiples proyectos de seguridad gubernamental y la E-salud
Dado que el sector de la protección de la identidad y las tecnologías de la identificación y autentificación está en auge, numerosos expositores presentaron sus aplicaciones sobre el pasaporte biométrico, los documentos de identidad electrónicos, los carnets de conducir y las tarjetas profesionales o de salud, etc.

Asimismo, la E-salud estuvo altamente representada en esta edición de 2011 en la exposición Smart Health, en donde los visitantes pudieron descubrir las últimas innovaciones en términos de informes médicos electrónicos, tarjetas de salud, aplicaciones de telemedicina…, que no solo permiten mejorar la calidad de los servicios de los cuidados y confort de los pacientes, sino que también ayudan a luchar contra el fraude y la inflación de los gastos sanitarios.

Los SESAMES 2011: la excelencia tecnológica premiada

Considerados por las empresas del sector como una marca incuestionable de innovación y de referencia mundial, los trofeos SESAME confieren a los galardonados la notoriedad y legitimidad que les garantiza el éxito de sus proyectos empresariales.

Otorgados por un jurado de expertos internacionales, la ceremonia de entrega tuvo lugar en el Automobile Club de France ante 300 asistentes.

Palmarés de la edición SESAMES 2011:

SESAME Producción y Tests:  OBERTHUR TECHNOLOGIES con ID One Digital watermark
SESAME Movilidad:  NXP SEMICONDUCTORS con PN65 Secure NFC module
SESAME Seguridad en Internet/Autentificación:  HID GLOBAL con Next Generation Secure Identity Ecosystem
SESAME E-Transacciones: VERIFONE con PAYware Mobile Enterprise
SESAME Banca/Comercio/Fidelidad: SIMARTIS TELECOM con Bubble
SESAME Seguridad TI:  GEMALTO con Just4YourEyes
SESAME Identificación – Tarjeta ID:  SMART PACKAGING SOLUTIONS con Embedded Contacless Module
SESAME Software:  NXP SEMICONDUCTORS con Open source NFC Host Software stack for Android
SESAME Hardware:  DYNAMICS con Chips & Choice

La 27ª edición de CARTES – Feria & Conferencias
tendrá lugar del 6 al 8 de noviembre de 2012 en París-Nord Villepinte
Si desea conocer las últimas informaciones sobre CARTES & IDentification:
La web:
www.cartes.com o el blog: www.blogcartes.com


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Frankrijk opnieuw de grootste Europese wijnproducent


Een productie van 50 miljoen hectoliter wijn maakt van Frankrijk weer de grootste wijnproducent van Europa

Na 5 magere jaren is Frankrijk opnieuw de grootste wijnproducent van Europa. In 2011 bedroeg de totale Franse wijnproductie 50 miljoen hectoliter, een groei van 11% ten opzichte van 2010.
Volgens de laatste schattingen van de Europese Commissie is bij aartsrivaal Italië de productie afgenomen met 17% tot 42 miljoen hectoliter. Deze afname is veroorzaakt door de vele saneringen. In Spanje zijn de wijnoogstopbrengsten met 9% gedaald tot 36,5 miljoen hectoliter. Op wereldniveau zijn 16 lidstaten van de Europese Unie gezamenlijk voor meer dan de helft van de wereldproductie verantwoordelijk. De Europese wijnoogsten zijn met 2% afgenomen, wat neerkomt op een productie van 160,3 miljoen hectoliter. De Fransen zouden moeten profiteren van deze tendens en dan met name de Franse wijncoöperaties, die voor bijna de helft van de productie verantwoordelijk zijn (de rest komt voor rekening van de onafhankelijke wijnboeren).
Volgens Denis Verdier, voorzitter van de Vignerons Coopérateurs de France ((CCVF), zal de stijging van het Franse wijnvolume geen groot effect op de prijs hebben, omdat de volumes in de rest van Europa zijn afgenomen. Vraag en aanbod zijn hierdoor volledig in balans. Verdier hoopt dat Frankrijk een inhaalslag kan maken die de crisis van de afgelopen 3 jaren kan doen vergeten. De stemming is in ieder geval weer een stuk positiever.

The DCA Malaysia, the DGAC and Egis Avia organise a collaborative decision making (CDM) French-Malaysian workshop


On last November, the 23rd and and 24th, the French company Egis Avia and the Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGAC) organized a Malaysian-French session on Collaborative Decision Making (CDM), under the kind auspices of the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia.

France and Malaysia already enjoy an intense partnership in the field of aeronautics, be it for manufacturing of airplane components, MRO or training. And this trend will definitely grow bigger in the coming years with further involvement of our key players like EADS and SAFRAN Groups, and all their subsidiaries.

France has been a pioneer in the implementation of CDM in Europe. Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, which is now the main European airport, is the only major airport having implemented CDM in full operations. This was completed one year ago, in November 2010.

This event can be the first step in a series of meetings and actions in this new field of cooperation between France and Malaysia.

Lille region given thumbs up by 85% of foreign investors


International auditing firm KPMG has confirmed the appeal of the Lille region (in northern France) for non-French investors. According to the independent survey conducted by KPMG and published in November 2011, 85% of respondents, representing the 1,077 subsidiaries of foreign-owned groups established in Northern France, recommend the region.

According to KPMG, the international auditing firm, the prime reason companies choose to establish a subsidiary in Northern France is the strategic location the region offers. The Lille region lies at the heart of Europe’s leading consumer catchment area. Two-thirds of the companies surveyed highlighted their aim to reach the markets of northern Europe (including France) as having driven their decision to invest in the region: an impressive 82% of companies see this locational advantage as crucial to their success in these markets.

The high quality of the local labour force also satisfies the companies: 60% were satisfied with the region’s labour force — a proportion reaching 75% of respondents in the field of trade and logistics. Undoubtedly, this is another reason businesses choose to settle in region surrounding Lille.

Regarding the quality of life, seven out of 10 business leaders say that they are satisfied with the region’s cultural dynamism and tourist potential, and close to two-thirds approve of the sports facilities available in the Lille region. The local geography and environment are also a cause for satisfaction among foreign-owned companies: 80% indicate that they are satisfied (or fairly satisfied) with the region in this respect.

Northern France is a region whose attractiveness is not always fully appreciated by outsiders: prior to their arrival, 46% of decision-makers surveyed had a good image of the region, but a third (33%) admitted to having a negative perception. Once established, however, only 1% of these decision-makers have retained this negative view, while 68% of respondents indicate that they are satisfied (or very satisfied) with the Lille region.

With hindsight, none of the companies surveyed see their location in the Lille region as a handicap. On the contrary, 60% describe the move as an asset to their businesses, especially those hailing from the Benelux countries, and 27% see the relocation as strategic in terms of the company’s development in northern Europe. 

Moreover, a majority of the companies surveyed have felt genuinely welcome in northern France: close to 60% of respondents consider the welcome given to expatriates to be satisfying or very satisfying. 

Despite being a border region and a hub for pan-European trade, the Lille region has a strong identity rooted in its history. Indeed, a third of respondents believe that the region stands apart from the rest of France, especially those from Germany and the Netherlands, who acknowledge a stronger cultural affinity with the region.

Lastly, the Lille region is founded upon powerful ethical values that are important to businesses. Respondents were asked what “values” they associated with the region: “work”, “fighting spirit”, “energy” and “hospitality” were widely mentioned by those surveyed. This gives an overview of the positive image that the region enjoys with international investors.

About Nord France Invest
Nord France Invest is the publicly funded investment-promotion agency for Northern France (including the city of Lille and its surroundings). The agency helps businesses to develop and make the most out of their move to the region of Northern France.
rawing on expertise across a wide range of fields, Nord France Invest and its network partners offer personalised and fully confidential services to investors, free of charge, from the initial decision through to the launch and follow-up.
In pursuing these aims, Nord France Invest draws on the skills of its own staff, combined with expert input from an extensive network of regional and international partners.

For further information, please go to: www.investinnorthernfrance.com

AddOnMail releases PST file-archiving V.3.5 in Exchange 2010


After publishing Microsoft Outlook plug-ins for several years, AddOnMail of France has announced the arrival of the latest version of its leading product, PSTStation Corporate for Outlook — the PSTStation Corporate 3.5.

Jean-Christophe Cisse, CEO of AddOnMail, explains, "PSTStation Corporate 3.5 is a genuine breakthrough in migrating PST files for [Microsoft] Exchange 2010. With our product, a company with tens of thousands of users is finally able to plan a genuine migration for its PST files."

"With PSTStation Corporate, a company will cut the duration of its PST file migration project by at least 50%. It will also save over 50% of the cost, since no development is required and everything is processed automatically,” adds Jean-Christophe Cisse.

This increase in efficiency is possible thanks to the software package’s unique open PST file management and incremental message-processing technology. The migration can therefore be run 24/7, even while users are reading or writing their messages.

PSTStation Corporate 3.5 features a powerful connector to import PST files into Exchange 2010 users’ mailboxes. The software also includes a function for the detection and identification of PST files within the corporate network; the technology to select source messages to be archived; and, additionally, a powerful multithread connector to inject messages into Exchange 2010.

Furthermore, AddOnMail’s new software solution features many post-archiving functions, such as the automatic PST file removal from user profiles, message deletion from the PST source once archived, and the possibility of marking PST files as read-only.

PSTStation Corporate has already won the trust of many companies in France and in the United States, including in sectors such as banking and manufacturing. 

About AddOnMail


AddOnMail is an IT specialist company, providing more than 20,000 users worldwide with powerful tools and specialised services. Honoured as the best innovative product at the Microsoft Tech-ED trade show in Copenhagen (Denmark) in 2004, AddOnMail is based in Paris (France) and recently opened a branch in Canada.

AddOnMail publishes archiving and electronic-message-management solutions, especially those stored on user workstations. The company helps businesses locate messages within their corporate network. AddOnMail also helps IT managers secure the data thanks to its archiving and backup functions, as well as functions making it possible to move data to other, more secure (or cheaper) storage space.

For further information, please go to: www.addonmail.com.

WALLIX increases share capital by EUR 2 million, becomes PLC


WALLIX, a leading European IT-security company, has finalised an increase in share capital of €2 million to be carried out with Thierry Dassault Holding (TDH), the personal holding group of Thierry Dassault, and Auriga Partners, an independent venture-capital firm. As part of the deal, Thierry Dassault will acquire a stake in software developer WALLIX, which is to become a public limited company.

WALLIX has completed discussions with the Auriga Partners investment fund, therefore preparing itself to embark on an ambitious international-development plan together with Thierry Dassault, a specialist in economic intelligence and the President of Keynectis, a European leader in technologies and advisory services. WALLIX, which operates in the UK out of its offices in Reading (in southern England), designs and develops software applied to IT security.

“Through the years, the security of information exchanges on IT networks has become a fundamental challenge for businesses. My acquisition of a stake in WALLIX contributes to the strengthening of French companies’ investment strategies for such fundamental IT-related subjects. I hope that WALLIX may be able to take its place rapidly among the leading European players as is the case today for Keynectis, which I have supported since its creation in 2004,” says Thierry Dassault.

"WALLIX is positioned in a rapidly growing market with a strong added value, and we are very happy to finance and support the large-scale international developments which lie ahead," underlines François Lainée, Associate at Auriga Partners.

Since the launch of its WALLIX AdminBastion (WAB), the IT-security solution developed by the company in 2008, WALLIX has positioned itself clearly in the IAM (Identity and Access Management) market. WALLIX’s solutions strengthen the security of access to IT systems, user-account management, and the traceability of computer activity. Indeed, WALLIX is one of very few companies in the world to have developed a technology of ‘session recording’, which allows the recording of individual network-connection sessions and reproduces them in video-logs.

Having analysed the growing success of the WALLIX’s IT-security products on the market, and in order to accompany European product deployment, WALLIX has decided to reinforce its own capital with new financial partners. In order to do this, the company has entrusted a mandate to LD&A, the corporate-finance specialist, with a view to working together in raising capital through potential investors.

"This capital raising is going to strengthen significantly our pool of investors and our asset base, which constitutes a strong signal, for our key clients, in terms of the lasting nature [of the business]," declares Amaury Rosset, Financial Director and Partner of WALLIX.

The capital raised will essentially be dedicated to the development of alliances with new strategic partners, as well as to the international expansion of the company, with the recruitment of value-added resellers (VARs) within the EU (including Britain) and in Switzerland.

"Our development plan was able to appeal to leading investors and to the IT-security market at the same time. In a more robust setting, from now on, we envisage strengthening our presence in England, in Germany, in the Benelux countries as well as in the southern European countries that surround the Mediterranean, and in the Persian Gulf. Our objective is the accompaniment of the introduction of corporate governance and respect for regulatory and legal requirements, of dematerialization, and of ensuring the security of public (or private) Cloud Computing,” explains Jean-Noël de Galzain, CEO of WALLIX.

“Given the growing impact of cyber criminality, and how far we have fallen behind in Europe [in this respect], we are even more motivated to provide our clients with means of IT controls and to build up an innovative and sustainable European proposition," adds the CEO of WALLIX.

In the final stage of the capital increase,WALLIX will be transformed into a public limited company (or PLC) with a Board of Directors and a Management Board. The Board of Directors is set to consist of Amaury Rosset, Associate Finance Director; Jean-Yves Portalier, Director General and deputy to Jean-Noël de Galzain; and Jean-Noël de Galzain himself, who will become Chairman of the Board.

The company will set up a Supervisory Council composed of five members, namely Stéphane Taunay, Chairman of the Board of Sopromec (an investment company); Pierre-Yves Dargaud, Chairman of the Board of Access2Net (a venture-capital group); François Lainée, Associate at Auriga Partners; Didier Lesteven, entrepreneur; and, finally, Thierry Dassault. Didier Lesteven will be Chairman of the Supervisory Council of WALLIX.

In the past three years, WALLIX’s range of solutions has established itself as a product leader for the external provision of secure IT access, for the traceability of users’ actions, and for user-account management. Today, the WAB solutions developed by WALLIX are deployed in more than 100 large businesses and in industries as diverse as banking, manufacturing and the media, as well as in the public sector.

WALLIX’s products are distributed in the form of software and hardware solutions through a network of integrators and certified VARs present in Belgium, England, France, Luxembourg, Russia and Switzerland.

WALLIX is a developer and distributor of computer-security software specialising in traceability and risk management linked to the outsourcing of IT.
WALLIX, which is based in Paris (France) and in Reading (England), also has a subsidiary in New York (USA). The company distributes its software products through a network of VARs that operate across Europe and North Africa.
WALLIX’s solutions are aimed at IT directors and those responsible for IT security, who must improve the IT risk management of businesses in order to be compliant with regulations. The company’s products are used in the financial-services industry, in manufacturing, in health and medical services, and in the public sector.
WALLIX’s Wallix Admin Bastion has been adopted by many large and medium-size companies. The company also produces WALLIX LogBox (WLB), a solution that logs system-connection information.
WALLIX is a prize-winner of the Oseo Innovation awards, of the PM’UP programme, and a partner of the System@tic Paris Region high-technology cluster of excellence. WALLIX has also recently been awarded the title Champion of the Cluster.

For further information on the System@tic Paris Region high-technology cluster, please go to:

For further information on WALLIX, please go to: www.wallix.com

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